writer, among other things.


5 writing tips to help you network more effectively, digitally

networking is a beautiful thing. it’s how we connect with others and build mutually beneficial relationships that often lead us to worlds unknown. with the ongoing pandemic, the amount of in-person professional activities accessible to us has declined and networking has adapted to meet the needs of the world we’re in now. our ability to effectively network in digital spaces is what will catapult us into our next great opportunity.

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Rayvon C.
7 things expected of black men that we aren't always taught

there’s an incredible amount of pressure put on black men. from society. from our families. and from ourselves. we are often encouraged to not ask for help, even if we need it. and we seem to always be on the verge of both tragedy and triumph. we come from a long line of resilience, which often fuels our will to succeed, even in the worst of circumstances. yet, it still seems like we’re playing catch up in a lot of areas.

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Rayvon C.
5 questions to ask yourself when you're questioning everything

people are losing their jobs left and right. they’re struggling to provide for their families. trying to be present for their children. asking for extensions on the bills. wearing masks each time they leave the house — all while trying to hold it together without falling apart. but what if the very thing being held together is the very thing that needs to fall apart?

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Rayvon C.
8 life lessons black fathers and sons can learn from 'uncorked'

there’s much to be said about the complex relationship between black fathers and sons. since many of us — fathers and sons — have found it incredibly difficult to articulate the vast intricacies of these relationships, they remain something that is more often (mis)understood than they are explained. here are 8 scenes i feel possess life lessons black fathers and sons alike can learn from this intimate, celebratory film.

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9 tips for college graduates coping with post graduate depression

you purchased books. lost your way. googled answers to take-home quizzes. emailed professors for extensions. found your wolf pack. joined a couple clubs. partied. mixed dark and light. got back together with bae. dropped some classes. got serious about your grades. and then you graduated, like a boss. but the pomp and circumstance of it all was short lived. 

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5 questions to ask yourself before you ask someone to write you a letter of recommendation

most of us have written or requested a letter of recommendation before. for some, this started when we were applying to college. for others, your experience with recommendation letters began when you were trying to get a job or applying for an award. and a lot of times, these letters can be just the thing that sets you apart from other candidates. but they have to be executed correctly. 

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6 inclusion and diversity reminders from the black guy in the room

this past year or so has really shined a light on how far we still have to go with cultivating inclusion and diversity in the workplace. And while the evidence supporting the need for change is plentiful, the level of investment put towards eradicating inequality and disempowering historical barriers seems scarce.

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10 things you can do when you realize you aren't as far along in life as you thought you'd be

we’ve all gone through phases in our lives where we feel ‘less than’. moments where we believe things haven’t gone the way they should have. it feels like we’ve run out of time to right our wrongs and experience a life of true happiness. and nothing makes sense anymore. how does one realign?

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6 tips for getting out of an unequally yoked relationship

our realities are largely shaped by the people we forge relationships with – our parents, our significant others, people in leadership, and our friends. and as we go through life, developing and manifesting along the way, it becomes increasingly important than we prune out the people that aren’t contributing to our growth.

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6 ways you can avoid burnout at work and maintain balance in your life

burnout has become a societal norm. and most of us have normalized “going all in” for our jobs, finding it hard to exist outside the confines of a job title. we say yes to everything because we are fueled by this constant desire of having to earn our keep and prove we’re capable of doing amazing work. it ain’t gotta be this way, though.

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10 things you should do and discuss with your family in case you died tomorrow

coping with the loss of a family member or loved one is very difficult. although it’s clear to us that birth and death are natural components of life, it doesn’t make the pain of losing someone close to us go away any quicker. death is inevitable. grief is circumstantial. here are some things you can do to lessen the burden of those that will be left to mourn you after your death.   

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