writer, among other things.

6 things you need to understand about the entrepreneurs in your life

if you’ve got a friend or family member that’s an entrepreneur, you already know it’s far messier than what social media depicts. the courage and recklessness of it all. the grit. the ability to imagine solutions that create value. it’s no joke. and while entrepreneurs may appear to have it all together on the outside, they’re usually dealing with a lot of ongoing issues on the inside both personally and professionally. i mean, sure… you know that entrepreneurship requires a great deal of dedication and resourcefulness. but have you ever stopped and considered what drives them or what fuels them to behave the way that they do? that’s important to do because in order to be an impactful friend (generally speaking), you must first understand what your friend needs. nevertheless, here’s a list of (important) things you should consider as it relates to interacting with your entrepreneur friends and family members.

6). they’re doing a lot of things at once. 

the official definition of entrepreneur is “a person who organizes and operates a business or businesses, taking on greater than normal financial risks in order to do so.” you know what that means? they’ve got a lot of ish to do and not enough time to do it. essentially, entrepreneurs fall into two categories. they’re either working for someone else before going home to work for themselves or they’re working all day for themselves (which is equally as difficult). nevertheless, they’re doing a lot of things at once, which brings me to my next point…

5). they saw that you reached out, and they appreciate it. 

you may have already peeped that your text messages don’t always get the quickest responses from your entrepreneur friend(s). you may have also noticed that they don’t always call you back on time when you reach out, and that’s assuming they call you back at all. they’re not ghosting you. they still value your friendship. they’ve just become one-track minded at the moment. they’ve got a goal in mind and for the most part, they can’t stop until they reach it. and sometimes, that means not being able to take your call or catch up on the latest gossip. but don’t stop hitting them up though, just be a little patient with them. whether they respond or not, they notice you for reaching out and they appreciate you for understanding their current predicament more than you know.  

4). they’d appreciate a good source of inspiration. 

it seems like everyone wants to work for themselves these days. but for those that are legitimately committed to their success an entrepreneur, it can be discouraging to “stick with it” because the market is so oversaturated with people looking to become a success overnight. if you come across something you think they may find useful – a motivational quote, an interesting book, or even an uplifting song, send it to your entrepreneur friend. you may not think it makes a difference but trust me, it really does. why? because inspiration can come from anywhere.  and you never know… the material you send could put them in the headspace to do something great. 

3). they’re outgrowing people at alarming rates and it’s not personal. 

when you’re trying to build something that will ultimately become bigger than yourself, you become very protective of your time and energy, meaning you have to relieve yourself of certain people. and the same holds true with entrepreneurs. everyone can’t go with you to the top. sometimes, you have to get rid of individuals who aren’t contributing to you becoming the best possible version of yourself. family included. and as hard as it may be for some people to understand, it’s not personal, it’s just a fact. If you don’t want to be phased out, level up. 

2). they’re harder on themselves than most. 

most entrepreneurs are hella critical on themselves. rightfully so, because in everything they do, they want to operate in excellence. and if you’re someone who has entrepreneur friends, you may have already found that they have a tendency to overanalyze their work. no surprise there. they’re just trying to be great. i know it may seem counterintuitive because you don’t want to stress them out even more, but the best thing you can do for them is be completely honest. if you see areas of improvement, it’s incumbent upon you to let them know. if they don’t take your advice, that’s on them. at least you did your part…as a friend. 

1). they need money. 

building a brand isn’t easy – nor is it cheap. yes – sharing, commenting on and liking their social media posts is great. but at the same time, you can’t take inspiration to the bank and cash it. not much more to say about this one, it's pretty straightforward, low key.